Strada del Valpolicella

It is the municipal premises of many villages, some of them are protohistoric ones.
San Pietro di Lavagno is encircled by country residences, among them stands out the impressive Villa Verita' Montanari, called "Il Boschetto", which dates back to the fifteenth century.
Indoors there is a main hall with an arched ceiling, which deceives the fifteenth century origin of the building.

A grand staircase leads to the first floor 's hall, artfully decorated with false architectures by F.Maccasi. On the ceiling is fresced the Phaeton's myth, painted by G. Anselmi in 1779.
Attached to the country residence you can find the aristocratic Chapel, dedicated to the Holy Trinity.

Campanile di San Pietro

The most significant part of the "Il Boschetto" is the park behind the residence. There you can find a fish pool, a little lake and some caves, and all this is furnished by a rich sculptural ornaments.

The villages of Soave area with historic outlines, feasts, tourist routes and many other details.


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Strada del Vino Custoza
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Strada del Vino Custoza
Strada del Vino Custoza